Generate Jwt Secret Key Python

  1. Generate Jwt Secret Key Python Code
  2. Generate Jwt Secret Key Python Programming
  3. Generate Jwt Secret Key Python Online
  4. Generate Jwt Token With Private Key Python
  5. Generate Jwt Secret Key Python Download
  6. Jwt Secret Key Generator Python

I was able to generate the access token and refresh token but i have to manually click on the authurl to grant the access to box API to get the auth code. Below is my Python code. From boxsdk import Client from boxsdk import OAuth2 from boxsdk.exception import BoxAPIException import requests import logging oauth = OAuth2( clientid='clientid', clientsecret='clientsecret' ) csrftoken. If the decoding application uses the secret key that was used to create the JWT, any attempt to hijack the JWT will fail because the decode method will verify the authenticity of the signature. If you do not want/need to use a secret key (I recommend that you do), you can also decode the JWT with no verification: decoded = jwt.decode(request.

After making a connection with MongoDB the next step is to create a Flask App and do some configuration on it. Use the Following Code. App = Flask(name) jwt = JWTManager(app) # JWT Config app.config'JWTSECRETKEY' = 'this-is-secret-key' #change it. As you can see in the above code. In the python file I imported the necessary libraries and also the python script where I use to authenticate client tokens. The flask app contains a simple login function which requests a username and password, then a token is generated which stores the username to the token and also the token also expires 30 mins from when it is generated, after that the token will no longer be valid. In your Iterable project, create a JWT-enabled Mobile API key. On your server, set up a way to generate JWTs for individual users. To create them, use the shared secret associated with the API key created in step 1. Create a web service your mobile apps can query to fetch JWTs for specific users.


Generate a backend and frontend stack using Python, including interactive API documentation.

Full stack, modern web application generator. Using FastAPI, PostgreSQL as database, Docker, automatic HTTPS and more.

Interactive API documentation

Alternative API documentation

Generate Jwt Secret Key Python

Dashboard Login

Dashboard - Create User

Generate Jwt Secret Key Python Code


  • Full Docker integration (Docker based).
  • Docker Swarm Mode deployment.
  • Docker Compose integration and optimization for local development.
  • Production ready Python web server using Uvicorn and Gunicorn.
  • Python FastAPI backend:
    • Fast: Very high performance, on par with NodeJS and Go (thanks to Starlette and Pydantic).
    • Intuitive: Great editor support. Completion everywhere. Less time debugging.
    • Easy: Designed to be easy to use and learn. Less time reading docs.
    • Short: Minimize code duplication. Multiple features from each parameter declaration.
    • Robust: Get production-ready code. With automatic interactive documentation.
    • Standards-based: Based on (and fully compatible with) the open standards for APIs: OpenAPI and JSON Schema.
    • Many other features including automatic validation, serialization, interactive documentation, authentication with OAuth2 JWT tokens, etc.
  • Secure password hashing by default.
  • JWT token authentication.
  • SQLAlchemy models (independent of Flask extensions, so they can be used with Celery workers directly).
  • Basic starting models for users (modify and remove as you need).
  • Alembic migrations.
  • CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing).
  • Celery worker that can import and use models and code from the rest of the backend selectively.
  • REST backend tests based on Pytest, integrated with Docker, so you can test the full API interaction, independent on the database. As it runs in Docker, it can build a new data store from scratch each time (so you can use ElasticSearch, MongoDB, CouchDB, or whatever you want, and just test that the API works).
  • Easy Python integration with Jupyter Kernels for remote or in-Docker development with extensions like Atom Hydrogen or Visual Studio Code Jupyter.
  • Vue frontend:
    • Generated with Vue CLI.
    • JWT Authentication handling.
    • Login view.
    • After login, main dashboard view.
    • Main dashboard with user creation and edition.
    • Self user edition.
    • Vuex.
    • Vue-router.
    • Vuetify for beautiful material design components.
    • TypeScript.
    • Docker server based on Nginx (configured to play nicely with Vue-router).
    • Docker multi-stage building, so you don't need to save or commit compiled code.
    • Frontend tests ran at build time (can be disabled too).
    • Made as modular as possible, so it works out of the box, but you can re-generate with Vue CLI or create it as you need, and re-use what you want.
    • It's also easy to remove it if you have an API-only app, check the instructions in the generated
  • PGAdmin for PostgreSQL database, you can modify it to use PHPMyAdmin and MySQL easily.
  • Flower for Celery jobs monitoring.
  • Load balancing between frontend and backend with Traefik, so you can have both under the same domain, separated by path, but served by different containers.
  • Traefik integration, including Let's Encrypt HTTPS certificates automatic generation.
  • GitLab CI (continuous integration), including frontend and backend testing.

How to use it

Go to the directory where you want to create your project and run:

Generate passwords

You will be asked to provide passwords and secret keys for several components. Open another terminal and run:

Copy the contents and use that as password / secret key. And run that again to generate another secure key.

Input variables

The generator (cookiecutter) will ask you for some data, you might want to have at hand before generating the project.

The input variables, with their default values (some auto generated) are:

  • project_name: The name of the project

  • project_slug: The development friendly name of the project. By default, based on the project name

  • domain_main: The domain in where to deploy the project for production (from the branch production), used by the load balancer, backend, etc. By default, based on the project slug.

  • domain_staging: The domain in where to deploy while staging (before production) (from the branch master). By default, based on the main domain.

  • docker_swarm_stack_name_main: The name of the stack while deploying to Docker in Swarm mode for production. By default, based on the domain.

  • docker_swarm_stack_name_staging: The name of the stack while deploying to Docker in Swarm mode for staging. By default, based on the domain.

  • secret_key: Backend server secret key. Use the method above to generate it.

  • first_superuser: The first superuser generated, with it you will be able to create more users, etc. By default, based on the domain.

  • first_superuser_password: First superuser password. Use the method above to generate it.

  • backend_cors_origins: Origins (domains, more or less) that are enabled for CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing). This allows a frontend in one domain (e.g. to communicate with this backend, that could be living in another domain (e.g. It can also be used to allow your local frontend (with a custom hosts domain mapping, as described in the project's that could be living in to communicate with the backend at Notice the http vs https and the dev. prefix for local development vs the 'staging' stag. prefix. By default, it includes origins for production, staging and development, with ports commonly used during local development by several popular frontend frameworks (Vue with :8080, React, Angular).

  • smtp_port: Port to use to send emails via SMTP. By default 587.

  • smtp_host: Host to use to send emails, it would be given by your email provider, like Mailgun, Sparkpost, etc.

  • smtp_user: The user to use in the SMTP connection. The value will be given by your email provider.

  • smtp_password: The password to be used in the SMTP connection. The value will be given by the email provider.

  • smtp_emails_from_email: The email account to use as the sender in the notification emails, it would be something like [email protected].

  • postgres_password: Postgres database password. Use the method above to generate it. (You could easily modify it to use MySQL, MariaDB, etc).

  • pgadmin_default_user: PGAdmin default user, to log-in to the PGAdmin interface.

  • pgadmin_default_user_password: PGAdmin default user password. Generate it with the method above.

  • traefik_constraint_tag: The tag to be used by the internal Traefik load balancer (for example, to divide requests between backend and frontend) for production. Used to separate this stack from any other stack you might have. This should identify each stack in each environment (production, staging, etc).

  • traefik_constraint_tag_staging: The Traefik tag to be used while on staging.

  • traefik_public_constraint_tag: The tag that should be used by stack services that should communicate with the public.

  • flower_auth: Basic HTTP authentication for flower, in the formuser:password. By default: 'admin:changethis'.

  • sentry_dsn: Key URL (DSN) of Sentry, for live error reporting. You can use the open source version or a free account. E.g.: https://1234abcd:[email protected]/30.

  • docker_image_prefix: Prefix to use for Docker image names. If you are using GitLab Docker registry it would be based on your code repository. E.g.:

  • docker_image_backend: Docker image name for the backend. By default, it will be based on your Docker image prefix, e.g.: And depending on your environment, a different tag will be appended ( prod, stag, branch ). So, the final image names used will be like:

  • docker_image_celeryworker: Docker image for the celery worker. By default, based on your Docker image prefix.

  • docker_image_frontend: Docker image for the frontend. By default, based on your Docker image prefix.



Posted by Miguel Grinberg under Security, Programming, Python.

When working with web applications, it is often necessary to generate passwords, tokens or API keys, to be assigned to clients to use as authentication. While there are many sophisticated ways to generate these, in many cases it is perfectly adequate to use sufficiently long and random sequences of characters. The problem is that if you are doing this in Python, there is more than one way to generate random strings, and it isn't always clear which way is the best and most secure.

You would think that adding yet one more method to generate random strings would confuse things even more, but unlike all the other options, the new secrets module introduced in Python 3.6 is actually designed for this specific use case, so from my part it is a welcome addition to the Python standard library. In this short article I'm going to give you an overview of this new module.


Generating Tokens

The secrets module is part of the Python standard library in Python 3.6 and newer. You can import this module into your application or into a Python shell as follows:

At the core of this module there are three functions that generate random tokens using the best random number generator provided by your system. The first function generates binary sequences of random bytes:

Invoking the token_bytes() function without any arguments returns a token with a default length that is determined to be sufficiently safe and secure. You can also pass the desired length as an argument, as you can see in the second example above.

The token_hex() function works in a similar way, but returns a string with the bytes rendered in hexadecimal notation instead of a raw binary string:

With this function, each byte in the sequence is rendered as two hexadecimal digits, so in the second example above, where I request a token with 20 characters, the resulting string is going to be 40 characters long.

The third function in this group is token_urlsafe(), which returns the random string encoded in base64 format:

The base64 encoding is more efficient than hexadecimal. In the example above you can see that when I requested a token of 20 characters, the resulting base64 encoded string is 27 characters long.

Generate Jwt Secret Key Python Programming

How to know when to use each of these functions? For most cases, the token_urlsafe() function is probably the best option, so start from that one. If you prefer random strings encoded in hexadecimal notation (which will give you only characters in the 0-9 and a-f ranges) then use token_hex(). Finally, if you prefer a raw binary string, without any encodings, then use token_bytes().

Generate Jwt Secret Key Python Online

There are many use cases that benefit from have a simple and secure way to generate tokens. Here are a few examples:

Generate Jwt Token With Private Key Python

  • API keys that are given to clients after they authenticate with username and password
  • Password reset tokens to be sent to the user by email
  • Initial passwords for new accounts (you will likely want users to change their password after the first login)
  • IDs for background tasks or other asynchronous operations
  • Passwords to assign to other services such as databases, message queues, etc.
  • Dynamically created unique URLs

Generating Random Numbers

Generate Jwt Secret Key Python Download

While the token generation functions I described in the previous section are the most useful, the secrets module also provides a few functions that deal with random numbers.

The choice() function returns a randomly selected item from the list provided as an argument:

This function can be combined with a list comprehension to generate random strings that only use a specific set of characters. For example, if you want to generate a random string of 20 characters that only uses the letters abcd you can do so as follows:

The randbelow() function generates a random integer number between 0 and the number given as an argument (not including this number):

Finally, the randbits() function returns an random integer number that has the specified number of bits:


I hope you found this little article useful. I find the token generation functions, and in particular token_urlsafe(), very convenient and keep discovering new uses for it. Are you using these functions for an original purpose I have not described in this article? Let me know below in the comments!

Generate jwt token with private key python

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  • #1Eddy van den Aker said 2018-04-20T10:12:29Z

  • #2Miguel Grinberg said 2018-04-22T06:49:12Z

  • #3Chinmay Prabhudesai said 2019-01-08T00:06:52Z

  • #4Miguel Grinberg said 2019-01-08T10:32:19Z

  • #5Abhi said 2019-02-12T18:29:07Z

  • #6Fergus said 2020-04-12T10:21:43Z

  • #7Miguel Grinberg said 2020-04-12T10:27:49Z

  • #8Rafael Ribeiro said 2020-05-11T03:08:36Z

  • #9Firas Fatnassi said 2020-05-24T10:44:46Z

Jwt Secret Key Generator Python

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